奈良の照明メーカーによる東京での展示会です。空調換気用のダクト管で空間を構成しました。ダクト管が甲殻となり自立し、内部を電線が巡り、ダクトの継ぎ手に照明が灯ります。それらを組替えれば、どんな場でも形を変えて展示ができます。つまり巡回展ができます。起動スイッチを操れば、灯さずとも美しい照明器具の姿が見てとれます。本来の機能であるダクト管の「風」、照明の「明かり」、どちらも元は自然現象です。人工的な手仕事と工業製品が自然の調和や有機的な情緒を生み出す、NEW LIGHT POTTERYらしい展示空間を試みました。
The design of the venue and fixtures for the exhibition of Nara-based lighting brand NEW LIGHT POTTERY. Free from the constraints of floor layout and ceiling height, freestanding without relying on walls and ceilings, and easily wired for power supply, the display fixtures are designed to be used in a variety of locations after the exhibition at the LICHT Gallery in Nakameguro, Tokyo. In light of the recent increase of residential and commercial spaces using NEW LIGHT POTTERY products, the project aimed to provide a new way of viewing and experiencing the products and spaces unique to this exhibition.
The air conditioning and ventilation ducts used in the project are connected by tension belts running through them instead of gluing or welding, allowing them to be easily disassembled and transformed by simply rearranging the parts. A power cord runs through the ducts with lighting fixtures at the ends, allowing the visitors to view the products from various directions or walk under them. The lighting fixtures can also be changed by simply replacing the covers on the ends of the ducts, allowing for easy exhibit changes. Galvanized ducts, with their dull reflections of light, create a fascinating contrast with the solid materials of the lighting fixtures, such as brass, marble, and blown glass.
The reason for using industrial ducts, a seemingly random idea, was to take advantage of the functions highlighted above. Besides, there was a sense of commonality between ducts and lighting in controlling natural phenomena: the former sends wind, while the latter acts as the moon, sun, and fire in the form of an industrial product.
Toggle-type switches installed on the ducts allow visitors to freely observe the lighting fixtures when turned off. Because we don’t put the lights on most of the time during the day, we intended to show the harmony and richness of a space created by NEW LIGHT POTTERY, even when it doesn’t serve the original function of illuminating spaces.
Characterized by minimal and universal design, industrial approach, and craftsmanship, the lighting of NEW LIGHT POTTERY adds charm, harmony, and emotion to a space. With the harmony of nature and organic sentiment brought about by industrial and inorganic materials, this exhibition space also has a somewhat animal-like character, expressed by simple combinations of a minimal number of industrial materials. Inspired by the moonlight peeking through the branches and leaves of a forest at night, the exhibition showcases NEW LIGHT POTTERY in an emotionally profound organic landscape.
プロジェクト : ニューライトポタリー / トウキョウエキシビジョン
期間 : 2022年11月12日~11月20日
場所 : 東京都目黒区
規模 : 126 平米
クライアント : ニューライトポタリー
空間デザイン / 什器設計:やぐゆぐ 鈴木文貴
グラフィクデザイン : TAKAIYAMA
会場協力 : LICHT Gallery
写真 : 河田弘樹
Period : 12 November, 2022 – 20 November, 2022
Location : LICHT Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Floor space : 126 sqm
Architect : Fumitaka Suzuki(Yagyug)
Construction : UGATSU
Graphic Design : TAKAIYAMA
Photo : Hiroki Kawata